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Eye drops to replace glasses? Really?!?!

Category: News

U.S Food and Drug Administration approves VUITY, the first and only eye drop to treat Presbyopia (Age-Related Blurry Near Vision) 

Are you frustrated with reading glasses, taking them on and off? Good news! There is a new way to lose those pesky reading glasses. With the newly approved VUITY presbyopic eye drops, you can go reading glasses-free for up to 8 hours! Imagine going an entire day of not having to search for your glasses and waste precious time adjusting your vision.

Presbyopia Drops

My refractive patients are educated on the three ocular milestones they will encounter with their vision, the first one being ocular maturity. The second, dysfunctional lens syndrome, aka presbyopia, begins around age 40,” says Dr. Alexandra Wiechmann, Optometrist at Parkhurst NuVision. “Their natural crystalline lens starts to lose its flexibility, reducing accommodation, and forcing the patient to hold their reading material further and further until they eventually must succumb to using reading glasses.  This change has great adverse effects on the lifestyle of many of our patients.  We are now lucky to have Vuity, the first of its kind presbyopia drop. This once-a-day drop will be a game-changer for both our patients and doctors.”

VUITY is the first and only FDA-approved eye drop to treat this common and progressive eye condition that affects 128 million Americans, nearly half of the U.S. adult population. VUITY is a daily, prescription eye drop that works in as early as 15 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours, as measured on day 30, to improve near and intermediate vision without impacting distance vision. Specifically designed for patients with presbyopia, uses the eye’s own ability to reduce pupil size, improving near vision without affecting distance vision.

As one of the leading scientists in the VUITY FDA clinical study, “Parkhurst NuVision is ready to offer our patients the latest, greatest, and safest innovations in eye care. Eye drops for presbyopia are a safe and effective treatment regimen that is now going to be widely available to eye care practitioners” says Dr. Bobby Saenz, Clinic & Residency Director of Parkhurst NuVision. “These drops are geared toward patients with presbyopia in their 40’s, 50’s & 60’s, who have enjoyed great distance vision throughout their lives and those who have previously had laser eye surgeries including LASIK, PRK, or SMILE.”

Of course, a permanent option is Refractive Lens Exchange. Refractive Lens Exchange is a surgical procedure that has been around since before DVDs were invented!  We can do a laser vision correction procedure that gives patients the ability to correct distance and up-close vision at the same time. And, you won’t have to buy glasses or drops!

About Presbyopia

Presbyopia, known as age-related blurry near vision, is a common and progressive eye condition that reduces the eye’s ability to focus on near objects and usually impacts people after age 40. In a non-presbyopic eye, the clear lens behind the iris can change shape and focus light to the retina, making it easier to zoom in and see things up close. In a presbyopic eye, the clear lens hardens and does not change shape as easily, making it difficult to focus on near objects. Presbyopia can be diagnosed by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist /optometrist).

To find out more about VUITY, call us at (210) 585-2020 or visit us here.


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of vision correction, but also any risks of vision correction that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.

Parkhurst NuVision LASIK Eye Surgery