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Can You Get LASIK While Pregnant?

Category: LASIK

Pregnancy is an amazing time full of new life and hope for the future. For many mothers-to-be, it’s also a time of uncertainty, particularly regarding their own health and well-being. So, it’s only natural that many pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant have questions about LASIK surgery and whether or not it’s safe to undergo the procedure while expecting. 


Here’s what you need to know about LASIK and pregnancy: LASIK is generally considered to be a safe procedure. However, because pregnancy can cause temporary changes in the shape of your eye, as well as temporary fluctuations in your vision, it’s usually important to wait until after you’ve given birth before getting LASIK surgery. 


Can You Get LASIK While Pregnant?

Because pregnancy can cause temporary changes in the shape of your eye and temporary fluctuations in your vision, it’s important to wait until after you’ve given birth before getting LASIK surgery.


Should I Wait Until After Pregnancy to Have LASIK Eye Surgery?

If you are interested in getting LASIK surgery but are currently pregnant, it is usually best to wait until after you’ve given birth. In the meantime, you can speak with your doctor about other options for treating temporary changes to your vision, such as glasses or contact lenses.


How Long Should I Wait to Have Eye Surgery After Pregnancy?

With all the changes that your body is having during pregnancy, we recommend that women wait at least a few months after their child is born to have LASIK eye surgery. Because pregnancy can temporarily change the shape of your eye, waiting until after pregnancy for laser eye surgery ensures that you receive the most accurate corrections for long-lasting vision. Alternatively, if you are not currently pregnant, you can always plan to have LASIK eye surgery before pregnancy.


Can I Have LASIK Eye Surgery While Breastfeeding?

Even though you have given birth to a healthy baby, your vision can still fluctuate after birth while breastfeeding therefore LASIK is sometimes not recommended. Your body still has varying levels of hormones, which may continue to alter the shape of your cornea, thus leaving you ineligible for LASIK. Your vision needs to be stable for LASIK and sometimes pregnancy and nursing hormones can throw levels off temporarily. We generally recommend that you wait 3-6 months after breastfeeding has ended before considering LASIK eye surgery.


LASIK Eye Surgery Before Pregnancy

Many mothers make LASIK part of their family plan, opting to have LASIK prior to getting pregnant so they don’t have to worry about finding glasses in the middle of the night or having their child grab their glasses! If you are considering LASIK, talk to your doctor or set up a consultation with a doctor here at Parkhurst NuVision to find out a plan that works for you!


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of LASIK, but also any risks of LASIK that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.

Parkhurst NuVision LASIK Eye Surgery