Parkhurst Nuvision LASIK Eye Surgery
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Why We Ask About Your Health During Your LASIK Consultation

Category: News

Having the freedom to see clearly without glasses or contacts prompts many people to seek out laser correction surgery.If you’re tired of the daily hassle of glasses and contact lenses, it’s time to consider LASIK as an option for improving your vision and quality of life.

At Parkhurst NuVision, we perform in-depth consultations to determine the eligibility of those interested in the LASIK vision correction procedure. We approach these consultations as an opportunity to develop a close relationship with our patients. Together, we work toward helping patients achieve their vision goals.

Our consultation typically takes about 2 hours – the time needed for a thorough evaluation of your vision, eyes and health. We’ll take a complete medical history, including noting both your prescription and over-the-counter medications you’re currently taking. We also evaluate the health of your eye, checking for signs of disease and conditions that may not have been previously diagnosed. 

We want to know about you and your health

Ultimately, the decision to have LASIK is a decision about your health as part of your overall quality of life. While the procedure itself is about your eyes and vision, your health at the time of the procedure can have an impact.  So, we ask for your trust and honesty in discussing your health with us and providing as much detail as possible about any medical conditions, previous surgeries and hospitalizations. Having all the information helps us keep you safe, making sure we are doing what is best for you, your eyes and health.

We need to know what medications you are taking. Having accurate information about your medications is extremely important in helping us determine if LASIK is right for you. Bring a list of all your medications and supplements – this includes anything you are prescribed by a doctor, as well as over-the-counter medications. 

Also, tell us if you are allergic to anything.Why? Because some medications can affect your eyes leading up to surgery and healing afterward. Certain medications for acne, depression, allergies, blood pressure, epilepsy and arthritis may affect your candidacy for LASIK surgery. Oftentimes you can stop taking your prescription for a period of time before and after surgery, or switch to a different medication. In some cases, you may not be a good candidate for LASIK, but we may have other options for your vision correction to talk about and consider.

At Parkhurst NuVision, we pride ourselves on working closely with you so that you can make an informed decision about your eye care needs. There’s never been a better time for LASIK, and we are here to help you decide if it right for you.


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of LASIK, but also any risks of LASIK that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.