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The Ultimate Guide to Your New Year’s Resolution

Category: LASIK

We made it through 2021… can we get a WHOOP WHOOP!

Q: Are you one of the millions of people who make New Year’s resolutions but struggle to keep them? If so, don’t feel bad. We’ve all been there. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be a struggle. If you’re like the majority of us, the past few years have pretty much ran together and it all seems like a blur. But your vision doesn’t have to be! Now hear me out on this… what if the first thing on the ‘2022 New Year, New Me’ list was LASIK. Close your eyes & imagine crisp, clear vision with LASIK. It should be the first thing on that New Year’s Resolution list! It’s quick, more affordable than ever, and has an easy recovery! You know how satisfying it is to scratch off an item you’ve just completed from your to-do list, right? You’ll start off the new year right! LASIK is a quick procedure that treats nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the eye’s cornea, restoring clear vision. Most patients achieve 20/20 vision or better while reducing their dependency on prescription eyewear. Let’s see how LASIK can help you achieve your 2022 goals!


#1 Get Moving

Exercising and losing weight are some of the most popular resolutions made each year. But if you wear glasses or contacts, you know how difficult it can be to remain active with blurry vision. With LASIK, you will no longer have to worry about foggy glasses — or even worse, breaking them and injuring yourself — while you exercise or play sports. Instead, you will be ready to go on a run, take a swim or play your favorite contact sport at a moment’s notice.

#2 Get Your Dream Job

Get ready for that new job with LASIK or love the one you have even more!  Crisp, clear vision with LASIK opens the door to new opportunities and jobs that require great vision without glasses or contacts. Certain professions like law enforcement, military careers, aviation, and firefighting require good vision, as prescription eyewear and blurry vision can affect job performance. Other jobs may not require near-perfect vision but can certainly benefit from it. Individuals who wear prescription eyewear and work in front of computers all day may experience eye strain, dry eye, and other annoying symptoms. By reducing or even eliminating the need for glasses and contacts, LASIK can make computer work more comfortable and possibly more productive. And working from home will be easier too!

#3 Save Money

If saving money is one of your New Year’s resolutions, you may be surprised to learn that getting LASIK is a smart choice! Consider how much money you spend on upgrading or replacing your eyeglasses or contact lenses and cleaning supplies. It can easily reach tens of thousands of dollars over the years. By having LASIK once, you can potentially save thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime. Calculate your savings here!

#4 Get Ready To Live Your Best Life

No matter what your New Year’s resolutions may be, the self-confidence boost you get from LASIK and not having to wear glasses or contacts can certainly help! Take the first step to making all of your 2022 dreams complete with LASIK or one of the other laser eye procedures that Parkhurst NuVision has to offer!


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of LASIK, but also any risks of LASIK that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.

Parkhurst NuVision LASIK Eye Surgery