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Vuity Presbyopia-Correcting Eye Drops

Get the First FDA-Approved Presbyopia Drop at Parkhurst NuVision

The eye doctors at Parkhurst NuVision are dedicated to staying at the forefront of ophthalmology in order to bring the best vision correction solutions to patients in San Antonio. We are excited to share a revolutionary development in treating presbyopia. VUITY is a presbyopia-correcting eye drop that will allow people to temporarily regain their near vision for less dependence on reading glasses or bifocals. If you are looking for a permanent solution, we have a LASIK Eye Surgery for that.

"I can now see WAY better than before with NUVISION. This was life changing!!"


"The staff and everyone was so understanding. For me, the procedure itself was quick and painless. It’s a breeze."


What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia isn’t a word you hear every day, but it is one that you should know if you are over the age of 40. Presbyopia is the name for age-related near vision loss that makes it increasingly difficult to see up-close in mid-life. Presbyopia is caused by a loss of flexibility in the eye’s natural lens and it causes many people to turn to reading glasses.

While it is a part of the natural aging process, presbyopia can cause a lot of frustration to people who don’t like the look or feel of reading glasses. Using readers can be annoying when you switch between tasks or constantly misplace them. VUITY gives you the opportunity to enjoy your day free from the hassles of reading glasses.

eye drops close up

How Does VUITY Work?

VUITY is a prescription-only eye drop designed to temporarily correct presbyopia. It contains a medication called pilocarpine that works to constrict the size of the pupil in order to improve vision function—basically when your pupil is smaller, your eye can more easily see up close (think of a pinhole camera). This is the reason that many people with early presbyopia can see better in bright light. VUITY works best during the day, making it ideal for people who would like a near vision solution to help them get through the work day without reading glasses.

Benefits of VUITY

  • Once daily drop is easy to use
  • Fast-acting—starts to work in as little as 15 minutes
  • Effects last up to 6 hours
  • Patients typically gain 3 or more lines of vision1
  • Developed by Allergan, which is a pharmaceutical leader in eye care
eye drops close up

Reading Vision Solutions in San Antonio, Texas

We know that many of our patients can benefit from an easy-to-use eye drop for presbyopia. However, some patients will be better suited for a permanent near-vision solution. As a leader in vision correction, we currently offer several advanced treatments that can help patients who are seeking to regain near vision and get out of reading glasses:

  • Laser Lens Treatment
  • Blended Vision Treatment
  • Corneal Inlay

Laser Lens Treatment

Laser Lens Treatment, also known as Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE), is a surgical solution that can permanently correct presbyopia as well as other refractive errors such as nearsightedness and astigmatism. Patients love Laser Lens Treatment because it can give them freedom from contact lenses and eyeglasses and also prevents cataracts from developing later in life.

Learn More About Laser Lens Treatment (RLE)

laser eye treatment

Blended Vision Treatment

Blended vision is a LASIK technique that can be used to correct presbyopia by treating eyes for both far and near vision.

blended presbyopia tratment

Corneal Inlay

A corneal inlay is a presbyopia solution for patients who have good distance vision (without nearsightedness). This small device is surgically implanted in order to help light focus through the eye’s natural lens.

eye close up

"The entire process has been stress free and my experience has been so good that I am delighted with how everything has turned out."


"Extremely happy with results so far with no discomfort or interference with life activities."


How Do VUITY Eye Drops Compare to Surgical Solutions?

So, how do the revolutionary new presbyopia eye drops compare to the surgical solutions that are currently available? Which is best for you will depend on a number of factors, such as your prescription and your personal preferences.

Pros and Cons of VUITY Eye Drops

VUITY Eye Drops Vs. Presbyopia LASIK Surgery

The final word on which solution is best for you will depend on a discussion with one of our eye doctors. In general, people who are in their late 30’s to early 50’s with mild presbyopia may be candidates for VUITY, and this eye drop may be great news for people who are not ready for a surgical solution right now. If you are seeking a permanent and customizable solution, then laser lens treatment may be best for you, and will likely save you quite a bit of money in the long run. Laser lens treatment will also save you the hassle of having to get prescriptions and needing to put in eye drops everyday.

Guy doing a sick jump on a wakeboard

Frequently Asked Questions About VUITY

Who is a candidate for VUITY?

If you have mild-to moderate presbyopia and you would like to be less dependent on reading glasses, these eye drops may be right for you. Candidates are typically between 40 and 55 years of age.

What are the possible side effects of VUITY?

In clinical trials, side effects were rare and mild, with the most common being headaches and eye redness. VUITY is recommended for daytime use, as it could diminish visual acuity in low light.

Can eye drops eliminate my need for reading glasses?

VUITY can improve near vision for several hours a day, potentially enough to get through the work day without readers. However, they are not a permanent solution and you will likely still need reading glasses in the evening and on days that you do not use the eye drops.

Contact Us To Learn More

Do you have questions about which presbyopia treatment may be right for you? Take our vision correction quiz or contact us to schedule a consultation appointment.

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1 Orasis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. A Multi-Center, Double-Masked Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of CSF-1 in the Treatment of Presbyopia. 21 March 2019. Available at: Accessed October 11, 2021.
2  Orasis Pharmaceuticals Ltd. A Multi-Center, Double-Masked Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of CSF-1 in the Treatment of Presbyopia. 21 March 2019. Available at: Accessed December 28, 2021.