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San Antonio Woman Among 1st in U.S. Gets New Lens to Ditches Readers

Category: News

3 doctors around a patient laying in bed

Isella Gonzalez, an employee at Parkhurst NuVision will be one of the first people in the nation to receive the bilateral (both eyes) surgery with the Synergy IOL Lens. This new lens will enable her to see after surgery without glasses!

Parkhurst NuVision is also one the first in the nation to use this new lens in surgery. Dr. Greg Parkhurst said “We are thrilled to begin offering the new groundbreaking technology, that is the Synergy IOL lens, to patients. The lens will help eliminate the dull, blurry vision from cataracts and enjoy clear vision at multiple distances, day and night, all with one procedure”.

Isella is the Godmother of one the doctors at Parkhurst NuVision and is very excited for the procedure. She had been waiting for the new lens to be released to schedule her surgery, “I can’t wait to leave my glasses behind!”

The Synergy IOL lens is part of a laser eye procedure that will benefit patients wanting to get rid of those 17 pairs of reading glasses that they may have stashed in their car, bedside table, or purse. Cataract surgery is the most common surgical procedure in the U.S. and it just got a little sweeter. Patients who don’t have cataracts yet, can also benefit from a laser lens procedure with the Synergy IOL.


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of vision correction, but also any risks of vision correction that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.