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Read Laura MacKay’s Story: She Didn’t Think She Qualified for Vision Correction

Category: News

Meet Laura MacKay

Laura always thought she couldn’t have a vision correction procedure because of the severity of her prescription. Hear her story and how she was able to overcome her life with the barrier of her glasses!

“My mom had LASIK, like, ten years ago and I thought LASIK was the only option, I didn’t even know that ICL was a thing. I didn’t know it existed until I came here for my free consultation. Dr. Parkhurst was like, “Not a lot of people know, but this has been around the same amount of time.” And I was just amazed, because my eyesight’s been so bad for so long. The excuse was, “Oh, my eyesight’s so bad, I don’t think LASIK can work for me.” But this is something completely different and it does work. It’s amazing! 

I’ve got 20/20 in one eye and better than 20/20 in another eye. That hasn’t been the case since third grade. I’m so excited to wake up tomorrow and not have to fumble around for the glasses. Every single person I’ve met here is a total professional. Everyone complements the other, I mean, I’ve been in maybe 10 different rooms since I started this procedure and all of the plaques on the walls and all of the certificates. I mean, it’s very clear I’m in good hands. Very clear.”

If you are interested in the EVO ICL or have been told you are not a candidate for Modern LASIK, give us a call at (210) 585-2020 or request your appointment here! We understand the struggle and would love to help you achieve your best natural vision! 


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of vision correction, but also any risks of vision correction that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.

Parkhurst NuVision LASIK Eye Surgery