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Why Friday is the Best Day for #LASIK

One of the most-anticipated days of the week here at Parkhurst NuVision is LASIK Day. Truth is, there is no best day for LASIK (any day is good!). But, we chose Fridays because it is generally a convenient day for our patients to have their laser vision correction surgery. They can take the day off, make it a long, relaxing weekend and start the next week off with the expectation that they will have great vision as a result.

Naturally, there’s an excitement to the day. We are happy you’re taking the step to improve your vision and share in your excitement. And, you, along with your friends and family, are excited for this next step in your vision journey. And on LASIK Day, we are all working together, doing what we love to do for our patients.

For a patient who’s made that choice, here’s what it’s like:

After working in partnership with our patients to help them research and determine that LASIK or another laser vision correction procedure is right for them, we think LASIK day is truly the best day of the week. If you are ready to move beyond glasses and contacts for your vision correction, having a thorough evaluation of your eyes and vision is the next step to see if LASIK or other vision correction procedure might be a great option for you. If you have any questions, we are here to provide answers. Schedule an appointment here


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of LASIK, but also any risks of LASIK that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.

Parkhurst NuVision LASIK Eye Surgery