Parkhurst Nuvision LASIK Eye Surgery
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Aspiring Navy SEAL Drove 22 Hours to Have LASIK

Category: LASIK, News, Testimonials

Daniel Roberts - picture of male with beardCalifornia resident and aspiring Navy SEAL, Daniel, needed to have LASIK before heading off to SEAL training. But the LASIK surgeons in California were closed due to the COVID-19 quarantine.

So what did he do? He researched online, and he discovered all the amazing patient reviews from San Antonio LASIK provider Parkhurst NuVision.

He quickly decided to make the 22-hour, 4-state drive to have his procedure here at Parkhurst NuVision. And he said he would do it again in a heartbeat!

Daniel was kind enough to sit down for a brief interview when he came to see us. Watch him describe his experience in his own words…

The local news took interest in Daniel’s story too…

Daniel’s story is not uncommon. Several times a month, people drive or fly to Parkhurst NuVision from all over the nation to have their procedures. Whether you live across the street or across the country, we’ll take great care of you at Parkhurst NuVision!

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Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of LASIK, but also any risks of LASIK that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.