Parkhurst Nuvision LASIK Eye Surgery
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LASIK vs Eyeglasses

Obtaining clear vision is a serious goal for many people. After all, our eyes provide one of the most important senses. The sense of sight is important because it assists the other senses. Vision gives information to the body about everything we do.

"I can now see WAY better than before with NUVISION. This was life changing!!"

Cody B.

lasik v glasses graphic

In an attempt to compare LASIK vs Contacts to see well, people often try to explore the concept of whether investing in LASIK vision correction is more or less expensive than glasses and contacts over the long-term. Many people wonder how the one-time cost of laser vision correction compares to the lifetime costs of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and incidentals such as eye solutions and supplies. Depending on your age and how you evaluate the cost of vision correction, this life-changing procedure can actually be less expensive and definitely more valuable.

Is LASIK less expensive than glasses or contact lenses? The price of LASIK laser vision correction will vary in price from about $1000 per eye to roughly $3500 per eye. Some discount chains may even be less expensive than $1000 per eye, but this typically means they are using outdated technology and employing some version of bait and switch marketing with hidden costs.

According to “The cost of laser eye surgery typically includes all expenses, from pre-surgery consultation to post-surgery follow-up care. On average, the total cost of LASIK for both eyes ranges from $3,900 to $4,500. Most insurance plans do not cover the cost of LASIK, but some offer their members discounts.”

LASIK vs. Contacts

A person who wears contacts will almost certainly save money in the long run by having LASIK.

  • The average cost for contact lenses per year is $240.00
  • Over 20 years, a person paying this average price spends about $4,500 on the contact lenses alone.
  • Depending on how compliant a person is with their recommended contact lens regimen – and their number of annual office visits and new fitting appointments – the average contact lens wearer invests between $75 and $100 per month on their eyes.

Eye doctors agree that contact lens wearers are also more likely to develop complications compared to patients having an advanced LASIK procedure. Contact lens wearers face a greater risk of developing serious eye infections and corneal ulcers or abrasions compared to people opting for LASIK.

young woman putting in contact lenses

LASIK vs. Eyeglasses

In 2010, the median cost for eyeglasses was about $212 at independent retailers and eye doctors’ offices (excluding any health insurance discounts), and between $157 (Costco) and $244 at chain retailers such as Lens Crafters, according to Consumer Reports Health. (If you upgrade to designer glasses, your costs will be a lot higher.)

  • People who wear eyeglasses spend less money than those who wear contacts. Eyeglasses cost about $196 on average. Some people will obviously spend a lot more to look good.
  • Someone in his 20s who buys a pair of $200 glasses every two years will, therefore, make back the cost of LASIK eye surgery in his 60s, or much sooner when taking into account inflation and/or the cost of designer frames.
woman wearing glasses


It might seem like a small investment to buy contacts or glasses here and there, but this expense continues to grow each year. Over a period of time, LASIK can be less expensive than eyeglasses and definitely less than contacts. If you think LASIK would be a good investment for the future, call Parkhurst NuVision today. We offer convenient financing options such as Care Credit to fit your personal needs including 18-month interest-free financing to qualified patients.

At the end of the day, it is very hard to put a price on vision without the hassle of glasses and contacts. If you want more information about LASIK and all Advanced Vision Correction Choices, please feel free to contact us directly! Invest in your future with NuVision LASIK.

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