Parkhurst Nuvision LASIK Eye Surgery
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LASIK vs Contact Lenses

Have you grown tired of your glasses, have you imagined being free of them? LASIK eye surgery may be the swift and essentially pain-free answer to your vision problems. If you are looking to improve your vision in the San Antonio area, consider the professional team at Parkhurst Nuvision. Your improved vision could be just days away. Our patients often say that LASIK is the greatest decision they have ever made.

The [LASIK eye] surgery was quick and painless. The staff was there every step of the way, letting me know what was going on and cheering me on. By the time I was on my way home, I could already see clearly and couldn’t believe it. I had been using glasses and contacts for over 20 years and there’s a different kind of freedom when you can see on your own. I can’t wait for the summer and start experiencing outdoor activities with this clear vision!

Sara I.

I finally went in for a consultation and the staff helped me feel at peace about the whole process. No more glassses no more contacts.


What is LASIK?

LASIK is an acronym that stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. LASIK is an FDA approved procedure that is proven fast and effective and the world’s most widespread refractive procedure. As the most commonly performed vision correction procedure in the US, tens of millions of people are enjoying excellent vision and improved lifestyle without having to resort to glasses or contacts. Advanced Wavefront Optimized LASIK may even help some people achieve better vision than is possible with glasses or contacts. With this technique, Dr. Parkhurst utilizes a laser to reshape the inner cornea to correct vision issues like near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism.

Contacts putting your eyes at risk?

Contact Lenses are a popular alternative to wearing glasses. So popular that around 38 million Americans wear them daily. However, improper use of contact lenses is a cause for concern.

Keratitis is the form of infection most commonly related to eyes and using contacts. In some extreme cases, a person can lose part or all of their vision. Improper use can be infrequently replacing old contacts, not using the correct cleaning solutions and sleeping with your contacts. The CDC estimates that people who sleep with their contacts overnight are 20 times more likely to get keratitis. The overall cost of medical expenses from keratitis is around $175 million dollars, as estimated by the CDC.

There are steps a person who wears contacts can take to minimize the risk associated with contacts. Good hygiene and good habits in the care of your contact lenses are recommended; these habits can include: Do not sleep with contact lenses unless prescribed to do so by an eye care provider, only use contact lens solutions that is recommended by an eye care provider, and replace your contacts with new ones every 3 months.


LASIK with Parkhurst Nuvison is safe and effective

At Parkhurst Nuvision, we think the best approach is to educate our patients on all options and to provide treatment at the uppermost level possible. Our friendly professional surgical coordinators are here to assist you in your quest for better vision and will be able to answer questions you may have before, during, and after your procedure. You can reach our coordinators at 210-615-9358 or fill out our web form for more information today.

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