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Ophthalmology Leaders Collaborate to Help Patients See Best

Category: LASIK

Dr. Parkhurst and Dr. Waite collaboration

LASIK Surgery has become one of the most popular and effective treatments for correcting vision problems. For many people, this procedure has been a life-changing experience, allowing them to see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses. This is why eye doctors from across the country have come together and committed themselves to helping patients see their best! 


Recently, Dr. Parkhurst and Dr. Waite, of Waite Vision (LASIK in Utah), came together at our practice in San Antonio to take their collaboration to the next level by working together. Collaborating in this way also allows eye doctors around the world to continue learning from each other and keeping up with the latest developments in LASIK technology. They can share feedback about their experiences with patients and offer advice and support to each other.


Overall, the collaboration between Dr. Waite and Dr. Parkhurst is a testament to the power of working together to achieve a common goal. By combining their resources and expertise, they are able to help more people benefit from LASIK surgery and improve their quality of life. This is a great example of how doctors can work together to provide better care for their patients.

Parkhurst NuVision LASIK Eye Surgery