Parkhurst Nuvision LASIK Eye Surgery
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LASIK Eye Surgery Guru, Dr. Vanrachack, Celebrates His Birthday!

Category: LASIK

photo collage of doctors birthday, three photos, one with work team at a 5k event, another with his family, and the third photo is of him winning a race. the photo says 'happy birthday dr. vanrachack'

LASIK Eye Surgery

            Chances are, if you’ve had Lasik Eye surgery with Parkhurst NuVision, you’ve met Dr. Vanrachack (Dr. V). He’s an expert at ‘All Things LASIK’ and more. In fact, he can even complete a rubix cube in less than 3 minutes (seriously, we timed him). Plus, he has the greatest cheesy dad jokes on the planet. 


Parkhurst NuVision Team

          We’ve been so excited to have Dr. Vanrachack has been part of our team for many years and it’s been an absolute treat. He’s always willing to go above and beyond, for everyone. He’s even officiated the wedding of employees (we’ve said he’s magical, right?). There’s just about nothing he can’t do. Thank you for being YOU, Dr. V. Happy Birthday WEEK!