Contact Lens Intolerance is Leading People to Transform Their Vision
Contact Lens Intolerance is Leading People to Transform Their Vision
Contact lens intolerance causes millions to suffer ongoing pain and discomfort whenever they try to wear their contacts. Studies show that millions of people have such severe irritation that they develop an intolerance and continual pain whenever they attempt to wear contacts.
Contact Lens Intolerance Can Become a Chronic Condition
For many people, contact lens irritation has morphed into an intolerance where they feel dryness of their eyes, irritation, and/or pain constantly when wearing their contacts. Approximately forty percent of wearers say the worst symptom is dry eye, which feels like the eyes have little to no tears or lubrication. It is caused by a lack of sufficient oxygen getting to the eyes as they are covered with contact lenses for hours at a time. Over time, this can cause damage and even scarring to the cornea.
Alysha said, “When I came in for my consultation I was unaware that even if I had not been a candidate for LASIK I could be a candidate for multiple other forms of laser eye surgery. I ended up being a candidate for SMILE, which I had never even heard of before I was in the door of Parkhurst NuVision. The procedure was so quick and I’m already seeing better than I ever did with contacts or glasses.”
There is Help for Sufferers of Contact Lens Intolerance
The SMILE treatment uses a precise laser to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism, making it a viable option for millions with CLI. SMILE is quickly becoming the standard in laser vision correction with more than four million people that have had their lives transformed with SMILE. In fact, one of our doctors, Dr. Vanrachak believes in SMILE so much that he recommended SMILE laser vision correction for one of his dearest family members, his brother-in-law, who loves to ski.
Dr. Vanrachak’s brother-in-law was naturally near-sighted with astigmatism and tired of the hassles of contact lenses affecting his ability to function. Now, he’s been able to enjoy skiing and water sports much more since his procedure. He has found it more convenient to be able to finally wake up and see, especially when he is on-call and having to fulfill his duties as a volunteer firefighter in a chemical plant. SMILE has changed his life!
SMILE LASIK is a minimally invasive approach to laser vision correction that has helped many patients correct their vision and avoid the symptoms and struggles associated with contact lens intolerance. SMILE is fast, taking less than thirty seconds from beginning to end, and allows for quick recovery. Most patients are back at work, without restrictions, the next day.
With SMILE, patients see immediately, and most people can kiss their contact lens irritation bye-bye.
You, too, may be able to stop the pain of contact lens irritation and take control of your lifestyle. For more information about SMILE LASIK and other procedures that may eliminate the need for contacts and glasses, take our self-test, call Parkhurst NuVision at (210) 585-2020, or click here to schedule a consultation.
Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of LASIK, but also any risks of LASIK that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.