The undereye area will naturally sag over time. While this is perfectly normal, many of our guests dislike the way these bags change their face. They tell us that they’ve tried to hide these bags with foundation or eyewear, but often, nothing is able to help completely.
A lower blepharoplasty at Parkhurst NuVision can reverse orbital tissue laxity with a fast, outpatient procedure. By removing excess fat and tissue and tightening muscles in the area, your surgeon can eliminate your undereye bags and give your lower eyelids a natural, revitalized appearance!
Full recovery from a lower blepharoplasty can take up to two weeks, but most patients are able to go back to normal activities within a week to 10 days.
Lower Blepharoplasty Cost
The cost of a lower blepharoplasty surgery depends primarily on factors specific to each case. Unlike an upper blepharoplasty, a lower blepharoplasty is almost always considered a cosmetic procedure. As such, it generally is not covered by insurance. The reason is that the drooping skin under your eyes doesn’t immediately obstruct your vision or otherwise effectively threaten your health.
At Parkhurst NuVision, it’s not enough to help each of our guests look their absolute best — we want to ensure that no one is denied access to life-changing results. We offer a variety of options to assist you with financing, including CareCredit, a special credit card which can be used on health expenses, and Alphaeon monthly payment plans. You can also choose to use tax-free funds set aside in a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).