Parkhurst Nuvision LASIK Eye Surgery
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EVO Patient Experience Videos

We love hearing stories of our patients and their amazing accomplishments after their procedures!

Featured Patient

Hope’s Story

Why this Michigan Mother of 3 Traveled to San Antonio for Clear, Crisp Vision


Sarah Bui's story
EVO ICL Eye Surgery: Before, During and After ProcedureWatch Now ➞
Cole's story about his eye surgery and recovery
What do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Contacts have in common? ....NOTHING.Watch Now ➞
Hope's Story
ICL Surgery: Getting Ready For The New Visian Toric ICL!Watch Now ➞
Family testimonial
LASIK Eye Surgery Search Leads Shelby to Finding the Visian ICL!Watch Now ➞
Family testimonial about parkhurst
San Antonio LASIK Surgeon's Wife Chooses Visian ICL!Watch Now ➞
Tom Danielson, World Cyclist Champion
ICL Eye Surgery: Tom Danielson World Cyclist ChampionWatch Now ➞
First EVO ICL patient
EVO ICL Surgery: 1st in the U.S.Watch Now ➞
Dana, an ICL patient
ICL Eye Surgery: Dana's StoryWatch Now ➞
Max Strus story
Cleveland Cavaliers Max Strus GETS EVO ICL!Watch Now ➞
Visian Toric ICL procedure up close
First Visian Toric ICL Procedure in U.S. Following FDA ApprovalWatch Now ➞
Celina, mother of 3, shares ICL story
Why Visian ICLs were COMPLETELY Worth It For This Mom of 3!Watch Now ➞
Opthalmologist, Dr. Lee, gets ICL
ICL Surgery: This Dr. Traveled from OR to a SA LASIK PracticeWatch Now ➞
Dr. Parkhurst performing first visian ICL procedure
Visian ICL: 'Permanent Contact Lens' Surgery First of Its Kind in the U.S.Watch Now ➞