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How to Sleep After Cataract Surgery

Category: Cataracts

Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the world, and it can give you back your vision. However, after cataract surgery, there are some things you should do to ensure a successful recovery. One of those things is knowing how to sleep properly after the procedure. Let’s take a look at why this is important and how you can do it safely. 


What to Expect After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a common and highly effective procedure that can significantly improve your quality of life by restoring clear vision. After undergoing cataract surgery, you can expect a gradual improvement in your vision as your eyes adjust to the new intraocular lens. Your eye doctor will provide you with specific eye drops to alleviate inflammation and prevent infection. It’s essential to adhere to your doctor’s post-operative care instructions and attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery.


During this crucial period, it’s important to refrain from strenuous activities or rubbing your eyes, as these actions might hinder the healing process. Normally, you’ll start to notice the astounding visual improvement within a week, and once fully recovered, you’ll be able to appreciate the vivid, clear, and crisp vision that you had been longing for.


Additionally, protecting your eyes from risks such as dust, bright lights, and physical exertion is crucial during this time. Remember, staying informed about what to expect after your surgery will not only help with your peace of mind but will also facilitate a successful recovery.


We’ve listed a few tips below!


What Is The Best Position To Sleep In After Cataract Surgery? 


The best position for sleeping after cataract surgery is on your back with your head slightly elevated. This will help keep your eyes moist and prevent any irritation from occurring due to pressure on the eye. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable when lying flat on your back, try using two pillows under your head for extra support and elevation.  Additionally, make sure that you avoid sleeping on your side as this could put pressure on the eye that has just had surgery performed on it, unless you are wearing a protective shield over your eye.  

Why Is It Important To Sleep Properly After Cataract Surgery? 


It is important to sleep properly after cataract surgery because it helps your eye heal faster and keeps your eyes from becoming dry and irritated. Sleeping in the wrong position can cause the eye to become dry or irritated due to lack of moisture or pressure on the eye. This can lead to discomfort or even infection if not addressed properly. 


How Long Do I Have to Wear My Eye Shield After Cataract Surgery?

After undergoing cataract surgery, it’s crucial to take proper care of your eyes and follow your doctor’s recommendations to ensure a smooth and efficient recovery. One essential step is wearing an eye shield, which plays a vital role in protecting your eyes from potential hazards that may cause any complications, such as debris, dust, or accidental rubbing. Generally, you should wear the eye shield for the first night following the surgery and continue using it for about a week, particularly when sleeping or napping, to prevent accidental injury during the healing process. However, it’s important to note that individual recovery times and recommendations may vary, so you should always consult your doctor for personalized advice regarding the use and duration of the eye shield in your specific case.


Are There Any Other Tips For Sleeping After Eye Surgery? 


Yes! One of the biggest tips for sleeping after cataract surgery is avoiding rubbing or touching your eyes while sleeping. This can cause irritation or even infection if done too often or too vigorously doing so could also damage your vision further if done incorrectly. Additionally, make sure that you get plenty of rest during this time so that you are able to heal properly and quickly following cataract surgery.  


Sleeping correctly after cataract surgery is essential for a successful recovery process. Make sure that you are sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated and avoid rubbing or touching your eyes while asleep. Doing these simple steps will help ensure a successful recovery from cataract surgery and keep you healthy both physically and mentally! 


Activities To Avoid After Cataract Surgery


Be careful with water exposure: Too much water around your eyes can increase your risk of eye infection, so try to limit how much water gets near them. This means avoiding swimming, hot tubs, and saunas until your doctor gives you the green light. The same goes for hair washing; wait until you get the all-clear before getting your hair wet. You should also be careful when showering or bathing—try using a face shield or avoiding letting water directly hit your eyes as much as possible. 


Working Out After Cataract Eye Surgery


Steer clear of strenuous activity: After cataract surgery, it’s best to minimize any strenuous activities (think jogging or weight lifting). Strenuous activity can cause your eyes to move more than usual which can lead to complications like eyestrain and blurred vision. If you must exercise, stick with low-impact workouts such as walking or yoga until your doctor tells you otherwise.  


Contact Lenses After Cataract Surgery


Think twice about contact lenses: Contact lenses are generally fine for most patients post-surgery but always check with your doctor first just in case they recommend taking a break from them after the procedure. It’s also important that if you do wear contacts post-surgery, make sure they are clean and free of debris or dirt which can irritate healing eyes.  What’s great about your cataract surgery is that you can choose a lens that could eliminate the need for contacts altogether! Ask your doctor about what lens would be best for you!


It’s important that you follow your doctor’s instructions and avoid certain activities after your surgery in order to ensure a successful recovery.


Be sure to talk to one of our doctors about not only the benefits of vision correction, but also any risks of vision correction that may pertain to your individual needs and circumstances.

Parkhurst NuVision LASIK Eye Surgery