Parkhurst Nuvision LASIK Eye Surgery
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Charities We Love

At Parkhurst NuVision, we are excited to work with a variety of charitable organizations in the San Antonio area and around the world.

"When we removed her patches and she realized she could see, the joy in her face was beautiful!

Eye2Eye – Working to End Blindness Worldwide

Victoria is a 45-year-old mother of eight children ages 12 to 24. Her vision deteriorated to complete blindness 4 years ago. Victoria’s dignity was lost, and she became dependent on her children. Then she had her procedure, and everything changed.

For every advanced vision correction procedure performed at Parkhurst NuVision, we provide a sight-saving procedure to underserved communities around the world via donations and service through The Himalayan Cataract Project.

36 million people on Earth are blind, but 80% of global blindness is reversible or preventable. The Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP) is a non-profit organization with the mission to cure preventable blindness with the highest quality care at the lowest cost.

HCP works to improve the quality of life for individuals and families in some of the hardest-to-reach locations by increasing access to affordable, high-quality eye care.

Since its founding in 1995, HCP has grown beyond the Himalayas to serve patients in more than 20 countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, including Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Malawi, North Korea, and Indonesia.

Victoria's vision fixed with the help of Parkhurst Nuvision




At Parkhurst NuVision, our goal is Better Vision for All. We are focused on helping patients enjoy life with crisp, clear vision, from our neighbors down the street to communities around the world.

We would like to thank our patients for supporting this mission, and we celebrate the many people around the world whose lives are being changed through your support of Mission 2020 with the Himalayan Cataract Project.

For more information about the Parkhurst NuVision Mission 2020 initiative, or to schedule your Modern LASIK consultation, call (210)585-2020 or click here.

Support for Our Military

We are proud to support the men and women who serve in the U.S. military. Purposeful involvement – specifically giving and serving – has been at the heart of the culture at Parkhurst NuVision since day one.

“While we always strive to provide the best possible care to our patients, we are also honored to be able to support active military and veterans as well as their families,” said Dr. Greg Parkhurst. “We have tremendous gratitude and loyalty to our active military and veterans and appreciate the sacrifices they make on a daily basis.”

The team at Parkhurst NuVision supports a number of military charitable organizations and events, including the Troops First Foundation and Heel the Heroes.

Vision for Mexico

Parkhurst NuVision’s own Dr. Greg Parkhurst partners with SEE International, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing needed ophthalmic care to the underserved in many areas around the world.

Dr. Parkhurst serves as a member of SEE International’s Doc network, which consists of more than 650 ophthalmologists from 80 countries. Some of the SEE Docs serve primarily as hosts for clinics, while others travel extensively. All the SEE Doc surgeons donate their professional services and cover their own travel expenses or provide accommodation for visiting surgeons. Working together, visiting and host volunteer eye surgeons have performed more than 650,000+ sight-restoring surgeries, transforming the lives of the 5,000,000+ patients and their families.

The restoration of sight to a single person transforms not only his or her own life, but the lives of everyone connected to that person improves as well. Once sight is recovered, a productive life is possible again, and whoever set aside their own work or school to take care of that blind person can return to the field, market, or classroom.

Last year, 160 expeditions in 40 different countries and approximately 12,000 sight-restoring surgeries were completed by volunteer teams. In 2015, SEE International increased its impact by increasing its surgical count by 10 percent, offering more educational courses to U.S. and international ophthalmologists.

mission trip in Mexico to voluntarily fix the vision of patients

Troops First Foundation

feherty's troop first foundation logo

Troops First Foundation works to provide meaningful assistance to military personnel who have been wounded while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through several relevant programs along with specialized events designed for combat-wounded service members and their families, Troops First addresses relationship building, mentoring, reintegration and looking forward.

George Strait, a friend and happy patient of Parkhurst NuVision, also supports Troops First.

Heel the Heroes

heel the heroes logo

Heel the Heroes is compelled to aid in the successful recovery, integration, and empowerment of veterans, utilizing canine and equine therapy to mitigate symptoms related to the wounds our heroes have endured.

Heel the Heroes founders, along with a number of their peers, have experienced success in managing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress by being involved with canine and/or equine therapy.

Their efforts serve the urgent need for help within the veteran community, as twenty-two of them take their own lives each day.

heel the heroes eventFinding a “new normal”, and being productive members of the local community are goals they help our heroes reach.

Supporting UIW: Excellence in Patient Care Award and Annual Fundraisers

Each year, Parkhurst NuVision’s Dr. Greg Parkhurst awards one fourth-year optometry intern from the University of the Incarnate Word’s Rosenberg School of Optometry with the Parkhurst NuVision Excellence in Patient Care Award.

Dr. Parkhurst introduced the Excellence in Patient Care Award to reward students who exemplify the values that are the hallmark of Parkhurst NuVision and that make for an excellent patient care experience.

“We consider a candidate’s technical skills, bedside manner, and book smarts when choosing a winner,” said Dr. Parkhurst. “Excellent patient care is incredibly important to us at Parkhurst NuVision, so we like to recognize young medical professionals for exemplifying the values that we see as our biggest strength.”

In addition to the annual award, Parkhurst NuVision participates in various UIW fundraisers throughout the year. “Dining in the Dark” is one of the most popular, where each attendee dines blindfolded to simulate eating as a visually impaired or blind person. The event raises money for the World Sight Day Challenge, and silent auction items include an All-Laser NuVision LASIK procedure donated by Dr. Parkhurst.

Lions Club

In just about any home in America, you could find a pair of prescription glasses that are no longer being used. You could toss them. Or, you could change someone’s life by donating them and giving the gift of sight

Dr. Greg Parkhurst of Parkhurst NuVision participates in the Lions Recycle for Sight program through the local Lions Club. Patients are invited to bring in glasses and contact lenses that they no longer use and drop them in the Lions-sponsored collection box. Once the Lions Club picks them up, they are cleaned, sorted by prescription strength, packaged and distributed to people in need in low and middle-income communities where they will have the greatest impact.

recycle for sight lions club logo

“The Lions Club Recycle for Sight program makes it so easy to do a good thing. If we can help one child read, or an adult to do better in his or her job, or a senior maintain independence just by donating unused eyewear, that’s an easy decision to make.”

Dr. Parkhurst